
Guess my name i never came up with my own nickname

My projects

Mostly do stuff for friends

My time consumers

I really like those

  • CosmoPK "Rocket" project
    • sharing my knowledge with students
    • in near feature, building rocket and composing fuel for it
  • CosmoPK Cansat (repo) [done]
    • Can sized satellite that flies through atmosphere in a rocket
    • missions: on-board computer (fb post), payload (fb post)
  • My friends
  • My computer i use arch, btw
    • it just works, but i hate software, so i constantly messing with programs/system files link to my friend's page, from which i stole home page idea

My skills

i think i'm good at this stuff

  • java
  • microservices i spend a lot of time in too complicated system
  • c#, mostly with Unity
  • nostd & embedded programming, Rust, C/C++
  • doing someone else's job see below
With last thing, don't get me wrong. Somehow I always have energy for other people's projects, but I can't finish my own. Because of that, I mostly do stuff in teams/with friends.